On this page you will find some of the negative codes.
Each code provides you with information regarding certain negative energies/forces that people on Earth are connected to and (may) experience suffering from.
Please note that this is a fraction of the total. The negative has innumerable forms and specialities and employs many strategies.
Should you wish to do so, you can do an act for Yourself and Earth/Humanity through the information below.
Would you like to view all codes? Click here.
Negatieve chakra’s
De mens heeft verschillende chakra’s in zijn energieveld die fungeren als een soort filter van de ene energielaag naar de andere. Bepaalde negatieve krachten plaatsen op de mens zijn/haar eigen chakra’s een negatief chakra met dezelfde frequentie als de mens zijn eigen chakra waardoor de mens zijn/haar eigen chakra’s allerlei negatieve energie laat binnenkomen.
Negatieve heersende overtuigingen/opvattingen
Deze code omvat allerlei strategieën van het negatieve die te maken hebben met negatieve overtuigingen die, via het ego in werking worden gezet in de mens (manipulatie van de Vrije Wil). Een voorbeeld: iets moet op een bepaalde manier, andere manieren zijn niet goed/voldoen niet, terwijl er niet wordt gekeken naar de intentie/energy achter de overtuiging die aangeeft dat dat iets op die bepaalde manier moet.
Negatieve krachten die zich voordoen als Uzelve en/ of vanuit Het LICHT
Deze negatieve krachten die aan de mens vastzitten, hebben de strategie om zich op subtiele wijze één te maken met Uw energie waardoor U zichzelf identificeert met deze energie en hieruit voortkomende gevoelens en gedachten. Identificering: ‘zo zit ik gewoon in elkaar’.
General Procedure
The instructions from The LIGHT led by ANGEL MICHAËL & ANGEL GABRIËL is the following:
Print out one of the codes (prior to the procedure).
Note: it is not recommended to burn multiple codes at the same time (on 1 day) and if you still like to do this, it is at your own risk. -
Read the text of the relevant code attentively. These names / codes trigger the negative creative force from the darkness through thoughts and feelings in the earthly / 3rd dimension. ​
​​The inner procedure for disconnecting:
​When in meditation, connect with GOD through your Heart in your mind and ask that a beginning can be made for the disconnection of the respective negative forces/energy. ​​
​Ask from your HEART in mind to GOD, ANGEL NUMBER ONE, ANGEL MICHAËL & ANGEL GABRIËL if you may be freed from the respective negative forces/energy.
Think of GOD and ask GOD in your mind if these codes/names/spheres may be disconnected from your spiritual bodies, energy bodies, physical body, cells, hormones and DNA (9 x.).
Ask GOD if all energies from past lives still present from you in these spheres can be cleaned and restored according to the plan of GOD / the Light. (9 x.)
For those who want to be disconnected from these names/codes: Go into meditation and/or pray and say in your mind the following: ‘Yes, I will.’ (9 x.)
Everything these names/codes have twisted from any life or energy is reversed (9 x.)
Say through your Heart 13 times the name indicated in the relevant code.
To conclude:
Describe it 13 times with GOD IS ALMIGHTY and your full name.
Then burn the code.
​​After you have done the procedure for the disconnection of the negative codes, the ANGELS legions of ANGEL MICHAËL & ANGEL GABRIËL will go to work, according to The Divine Plan from GOD / The LIGHT to disconnect the codes that may be disconnected.
Note: This may cause a heavy reaction (physical and/or mental) for some people.
​​​​The dimensions / aliens / (planetary) systems / spheres / that cooperate with the darkness enter through these codes / connections via thoughts and feelings.
Once these connections are disconnected, they can no longer manipulate so much via thoughts and feelings with humans on Earth.
You will feel the difference when they are disconnected.
Furthermore, the ANGELS are systematically disconnecting the codes from Earth. They are systematically disconnecting what each of you personally can handle. This cannot be done all at once, but every little bit helps (more explanations at the workshops).