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Initiation actually means initiation into Knowledge/Wisdom.

One is connected to the 7 ANGELS (the Eyes and Ears of GOD). With this energy, one gets the chance to grow from within at an accelerated pace and transform all experiences into knowledge through earthly actions.

The new era has already been ushered in, but no one can imagine what it will be like in concrete terms. Through these initiations, the new energy is set in motion for the person in question to have all kinds of experiences at a very fast pace. Everything is based on Free Will, the energy is fine-tuned according to what the person can handle. If the person undergoing this initiation has to start changing himself/herself to achieve what he/she actually seeks, this will happen through the earthly situation. Some will end up in a situation they don't want to be in at all. The only way out of this situation is to change your thought-pattern. When one is in a bad situation, people do want to change their thoughts. When we change our thought-patterns, our actions are also different and it follows that our situation also changes. If one has a strong character and/or a big ego, the problem will get bigger and bigger just until the ego surrenders and the process is initiated to let the ego break down further to zero (0).

​The initiations activate positive thoughts from The LIGHT. Furthermore, one gets experiences in positive and negative energy, so that one can distinguish between positive thoughts and negative thoughts, thoughts of the Higher and/or thoughts of oneself and/or thoughts one picks up from the spheres, for instance from deceased family members who are still present in the earthly environment. All that one thinks about, one has contact with that (contact with the energy field of what one is thinking about at that moment).​

Only when one is conscious of one's experiences can one consciously distinguish  the positive changes one has undergone. 

Then one can describe it in one's own wording and this can then be translated into knowledge (new knowledge/knowledge).​

On the day of the initiation, each one will get the experiences that are right for him/her in the way that is right for him/her within 1000 days. This is written in the Golden Book of GOD.


​Further, the purpose of these initiations is for humanity to gain a different God image/God consciousness, the very meaning of GOD.

Man is created in his/her image of GOD. GOD created man for a special purpose. The purpose of creation is for man to evolve towards perfection through earthly experiences through all lives, just until man becomes an Archangel and has acquired the All-absolute Knowledge from and to and from GOD, and has become one with GOD and from GOD. 


When one has gathered all Knowledge through one's earthly experiences, one can solve all problems and no one has a problem anymore and one can fill in the happiness one seeks by oneself.

On the day of initiation, the process of inner healing is initiated. This High energy frequency is unique and has its positive in/effect on everyone who has undergone this initiation.

Furthermore, higher Light Masters are joined to initiate the personalised plan applicable to each of us.

Human beings, as you know, are differentiated into male and female. But please note that inwardly each person and/or Spirit is different, no one is the same, we are all unique. These initiations also set into motion that which makes one aware of his/her gift/speciality. When one has discovered this, one no longer wants to exchange and/or have what someone else has. Then we are happy with ourselves and appreciate ourselves, translated differently: we love ourselves. Then one can work completely from the Heart.​

If one does not receive the energy of GOD through the Angels 

               one can never find the purpose for which one was created.

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