Every human being is connected to (and is being influenced by) positive energy and negative energy.
Every human being receives incoming feelings and thoughts from positive energy and negative energy;
‘while the people think that the feelings and thoughts are from themselves’. ​
Every human being acts (/speaks/ materializes/ creates) from positive and negative energy.​
Awareness of the experience in your inner world
People on Earth anno 2024 are not aware of the inner world; who they are internally communicating with (via feelings and thoughts), and where these feelings and thoughts come from.
The lack of awareness makes people an easy prey for those which, because of the lack of awareness (poverty in inner consciousness), people can manipulate through feelings and thoughts.
All problems in this world come from the negative (due to lack of awareness of man/ Spiritual poverty)
The people receive feelings and thoughts. These feelings and thoughts come from the energy (positive or negative) that connects with the people on Earth; while the people think these feelings and thoughts are their own.
The problems on Earth come from negative energy combined with ‘The lack of Inner Spiritual wisdom of the People’ (poverty in inner consciousness).
The negative energies themselves cannot perform actions themselves
The negative energies in the 3rd dimension cannot perform any actions here on Earth, themselves. The negative can only influence the humans by fueling them with negative feelings and thoughts; in the hope that the humans will act from this. These negative feelings and thoughts en the outcoming negative actions would be in the interest/benefit of these negative forces.
The invisible dormant negative force, in every human being on Earth can, due to the lack of inner Spiritual awareness of the people, act and remain unseen. ​​​
The people are condemned, get divided and the negative stays out of the picture.Wanneer de mens When people act/ go along with the feelings and thoughts from the negative, the people themselves are blamed for it. Further, the people are condemned by the earthly environment.
​In all of this mankind bears the consequences and the negative remains unseen and therefore 'out of reach'.
If the people are (would be) four-dimensional conscious then the negative can never take place again, then the people are emotionally free 1. and enlightened 2.
Life on Earth is our therapy for development and the way back, into full consciousness, to GOD / THE SOURCE from which we all emerged.
From therapy to spiritual 3. healing and from spiritual healing to spiritual joy.
​‘First you have the mess, then you have the healing and then you have the retreat’.
From ‘I-knowing’ to ‘All-knowing’.​​​​
The negative wants to remain unseen
If more people would become aware that the feelings and thoughts are not their own,
and if more people would become aware of the negative energies blocking them,
and if they would consciously fight the negative within; this would for the negative be a big problem.
The strength and power of the negative on Earth is built on the unconscious people/sleeping people; 4. who are unaware of the negative and therefore act carelessly in the interest/benefit of the negative forces and to the disadvantage of the people themselves.
The negative is becoming more visible to those who have the ability/ awareness to observe it.
There are more and more people on Earth who perceive things that others cannot;
the highly sensitive people (or: clairsentience people) / new age children etc.​​​​​
​​​​​​1. Emotionally free: by this is meant that people are no longer a slave to incoming feelings and thoughts/emotions but can rule within himself, based on Free Will.
​2. Enlightened: Those who at all times, regardless of any circumstance, can return to the inner central point within themselves through which they are uninfluenced by impulses (both from within and without); they are completely in The LIGHT. Total control over oneself.
​3. Spiritual: by this is meant the Spiritual life/ your consciousness/ Spirit. ​
4. Sleeping people: ‘The Sleeping people’ refers to people who are not aware of the inner world/ search. The sleepers keep their eyes closed to the inner world/ inner search (consciously and unconsciously) and are therefore ‘sleeping’.